Sunday, 31 January 2010
No Pies!
An executive decision was taken on Saturday, by King Canape and the Pie Master, not to get pies this week as we were unsure if we were walking in such slippery conditions, and no idea of numbers if so. It was probably a wise decision, for although the conditions improved and we did walk, the pies would probably not have made it to the munching... The Walk Master had devised a 6-mile route for us around Reepham, but was unable to walk himself. He kindly delivered the map of the walk to the Führer, picking up King Canape on the way. The Pie Master had overslept and arrived rather late, without his vest of pockets. José had forgotten his walking boots and had to return home to get them. At last we set off, King Canape then realised he was without his lunch and Canapés – they were still in the Walk Master’s car! José then followed a green Toyota Landcruiser, believing it to be that of the Pie Master’s, but it wasn’t! Eventually we found each other in Reepham, parked and headed off. The Führer, leading the walk, then deemed that the prescribed route, down a heavily iced road, was too slippery and substituted a 3½ mile walk of her own. Passing through much very photogenic snow covered woods, no pictures were taken as the
Pie Master’s camera was at home in his vest and José Luis had left his in his car. We took our sandwiches in the church of St. Mary, with it’s upside down, east facing scratch dial. We then retired to the comfort of the lounge in the Old Brewery House for pints of London Pride. The Pie Master had not brought the kitty, it too being in the vest. A new kitty was started but the Pie Master could not contribute as he had forgotten his wallet too! We made our way back to the cars where we had our tea, Shortbread and loads of other tasty offerings from José Luis, of which we only sampled the crisps.